Words can’t describe the last days we had! Our Berlin for Ukraine camp 2022 has come and gone! And we want to say a big thank you to each and everyone of you!!! First of all to our @karina_smirnoff and @duknauskas , you were both incredible and gave us your heart and soul through dance! @mauriziovescovo.vip thank you for bringing the heat and power in your lecture 🔥! Everyone who attended our camp, supported us through the planning and organising we couldn’t have made it without you! Lastly we want to thank all the amazing Ukrainian dancers! Thank you for uniting us, thank you for sharing your passion and dedication and thank you for staying strong! Thank you to @randytarango and @christine_klein_fashion for supporting us and organising this bunch for this great picture ❤️ #westandwithukraine #dancersofinstagram #berlinforukraine #teamahorn #dancersunite #berlindancers #latindance
Dieser Artikel wurde veröffentlicht am 13.04.2022 um 22:59 von: (Aktueller Stand vom 13.04.2022 um 23:54)
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